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When you buy a MONEY PLAQUE for $100.00 you get a copy of the Dollar and we will keep the real Dollar to identifies you. If you see your Dollar here it is worth $100.00 you have one hour to claim it. This is a GIFT to you from us to promote your business so that you can give one of your customer a MONEY PLAQUE and we will advertise your business for the next month so you can do the same thing agene
MONEY PLAQUE come with QuickBooks, Chat Room and Match D Picture, 30 day
We Work One Day $100.00 Two Days $200.00 Three Days $300.00 Four Days $400.00 Five $500.00 and we give you One Month Service. You can work for whatever you want and we will Pay You.
Business is the activity of making one's living or making money by producing or buying and selling products (such as goods and services). Simply put, it is "any activity or enterprise entered into for profit.
Merriam Webster Dictionary
Definition of word
(Entry 1 of 2)
1a (1): a speech sound or series of speech sounds that symbolizes and communicates a meaning usually without being divisible into smaller units capable of independent use
(Entry 1 of 2)
1a: the earthly state of human existence: life after death —used with a qualifier the next world
(Entry 1 of 3) verb
1a: to perform work or fulfill duties regularly for wages or salary works in publishing
Definition of work (Entry 2 of 3)
1: activity in which one exerts strength or faculties to do or perform something:
I am Dennis Dietrich, this is my story, and I see that I am growing and changing and learning. I hear my mother and father call me Dennis. I start to smell things and taste things and though things. I am still learning up to today Everything change into Nothing just like night and day, but the earth remains the same
Matthew authored the first Gospel of the Bible's New Testament, now known as the Gospel of Matthew. Prior to preaching the word of God, he worked as a tax collector in Capernaum. Matthew is the patron saint of tax collectors and accountants.Aug 5, 2019
Mark the Evangelist (Acts 12:12; 15:37), an associate of St. Paul and a disciple of St. Peter, whose teachings the Gospel may reflect.
Luke was a physician and possibly a Gentile. He was not one of the original 12 Apostles but may have been one of the 70 disciples appointed by Jesus (Luke 10). He also may have accompanied St. Paul on his missionary journeys.
Andrew, Peter, James and John, the sons of Zebedee, worked as fishermen. Matthew 4:18-22 relates that Andrew and Peter were fishing, plying their trade when called, and James and John were mending nets with their father.Jun 27, 2018
Paul saw himself as an accountant (Acts 20:24) who had examined his assets and liabilities and decided to put Jesus Christ ahead of everything else. He had faced this kind of reckoning early in his ministry and had willingly made the spiritual the number one priority in his life (Phil. 3:1–11).
five fingers
The human hand normally has five digits: four fingers plus one thumb; these are often referred to collectively as five fingers, however, whereby the thumb is included as one of the fingers.
I have all the necessary tools and equipment with the latest technologies, device to serve. Wherever you are with this assistant can now manage your business to the best of your ability. We can take care of all aspects of your business, including Cash Flow, Marking and Sale, and customer service.
Welcome to My name is Dennis Dietrich, I am an Accountant. I know that you are my brothers and my sisters. I would love to work for you. So please employ me. I will work for minimum wage. You can pay me daily or weekly monthly. No business, no problem. I will give you your own business if you have a business you now need to buy and sell. I can give you a shopping cart if you need to form a ecommerce business. I will incorporate one for you. I am The Accountant would love for you to be an Accountant too so I will give you a Money Plaque, with the eight principles of accounting in it you can develop yourself, this is all that you need to get rich, some people want to be rich, but most are poor why? Because they dont recognizing that there is the powerhouse and the power is in them, they can flick the swich and turn the power on that is that all you can do it, the power is in you the swich is in you so turn it on, let your light shine, PRODUCE produce observe this and see if you can make sense of your senses your father SEE your mother talk to her she HEARS him he TOUCH her she SMELL him then TEST him This is the first transaction he gives her she received so they both produce you, your mother gave birth to you and receive it and you are now alive on earth your mother and father take care of you imagine if they do this for every what you would be? (BABY) a big baby you should observe that you grow maybe you grow up that good you should see that you change or changing that good may be you know moor or knowing more that is very good you are accounting for yourself you are an accountant so here are the eight principles of accounting first transaction you produce and sell it to someone you make money a (PROFIT) but let me, let you go on something you don't have to have a product you can invite your friends and relative to your business opening Business and make some money before it start so your first lesson business should make money from the start or before the start let your friends and relative put up the money for it then take it to the bank try getting a matching lone so your money can be double Pay yourself before you start to make sure that you are at the head of the game and keep in front at all time remember that your business should make money try not to put your money in it you should keep it for your self then if you have a lot of money invest half in a, good investment like the one we have here Here you cant loos your investment because you are now at the head of the game money and people is working for you Now you can go fishing and catch-free fish or turtles or shrimp and lobster or go hunting and take home free meat maybe your chef can turn some into bacon you see how easy it is for you to have the bacon home
Don't worry, don't cry, Be happy, dance because you are the music, and I am listening, so if your music is my music, we can dance together, what a wonderful thing that would be, me dancing to your music wow. WORD WORLD WORK
Have a big sale on-site celebrity or other events? Be sure to announce it so that everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
IAMD2 the WORK and you can help me too. I will give you $100.00
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
I have all the necessary tools and equipment with the latest technologies, device to serve. Wherever you are with this assistant can now manage your business to the best of your ability. We can take care of all aspects of your business, including Cash Flow, Marking and Sale, and customer service.
Welcome to My name is Dennis Dietrich, I am an Accountant. I know that you are my brothers and my sisters. I would love to work for you. So please employ me. I will work for minimum wage. You can pay me daily or weekly monthly. No business, no problem. I will give you your own business if you have a business you now need to buy and sell. I can give you a shopping cart if you need to form a ecommerce business. I will incorporate one for you. I am The Accountant would love for you to be an Accountant too so I will give you a Money Plaque, with the eight principles of accounting in it you can develop yourself, this is all that you need to get rich, some people want to be rich, but most are poor why? Because they dont recognizing that there is the powerhouse and the power is in them, they can flick the swich and turn the power on that is that all you can do it, the power is in you the swich is in you so turn it on, let your light shine, PRODUCE produce observe this and see if you can make sense of your senses your father SEE your mother talk to her she HEARS him he TOUCH her she SMELL him then TEST him This is the first transaction he gives her she received so they both produce you, your mother gave birth to you and receive it and you are now alive on earth your mother and father take care of you imagine if they do this for every what you would be? (BABY) a big baby you should observe that you grow maybe you grow up that good you should see that you change or changing that good may be you know moor or knowing more that is very good you are accounting for yourself you are an accountant so here are the eight principles of accounting first transaction you produce and sell it to someone you make money a (PROFIT) but let me, let you go on something you don't have to have a product you can invite your friends and relative to your business opening Business and make some money before it start so your first lesson business should make money from the start or before the start let your friends and relative put up the money for it then take it to the bank try getting a matching lone so your money can be double Pay yourself before you start to make sure that you are at the head of the game and keep in front at all time remember that your business should make money try not to put your money in it you should keep it for your self then if you have a lot of money invest half in a, good investment like the one we have here Here you cant loos your investment because you are now at the head of the game money and people is working for you Now you can go fishing and catch-free fish or turtles or shrimp and lobster or go hunting and take home free meat maybe your chef can turn some into bacon you see how easy it is for you to have the bacon home
Don't worry, don't cry, Be happy, dance because you are the music, and I am listening, so if your music is my music, we can dance together, what a wonderful thing that would be, me dancing to your music wow. WORD WORLD WORK
IAMD2 the WORK and you can help me too. I will give you $100.00 now help me
Click on Dennis Dietrich Live Stream and go in the Chat Room before 9 am Monday to Friday and Money will go into your account The longer you stay in the Chat Room the more Money in your account The more people talk to you, the more money goes into your account it is easy money just stay here and we put money in your account
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